Due to increased bear activity throughout Douglas County, please follow these guidelines for the weekly trash pickup. To find out more on animal resistant totes or the time of pickup for your location, please contact the office at [email protected] or call 775-782-5713 x 1.
Visit Nevada Department of Wildlife for bear information
Among the gifts of the Sierra Nevada is the opportunity to share this area with many types of wildlife, including numerous black bears. The chance of seeing one of these magnificent animals has become more and more likely, primarily because people have unwittingly introduced unnatural foods into the bear’s regular diet. These new foods include garbage, trash, pet food, and birdseed. Providing the foods that are “natural” to humans is “unnatural” to bears. It attracts them to our garbage. Creating a cycle where bears get food will eventually result in the death of a bear.
A bear’s prime motivation is FOOD!
– Bears have a tremendous sense of smell that guides them on their search for food.
– Bears learn rapidly and know where they have found food in the past.
– Bear problems tend to be temporary. If a bear doesn’t find food, it moves on.
– Bear problems are a neighborhood problem. As they move on, neighborhoods need to be prepared to frustrate the bear’s search of unnatural food sources.
– Bear relocation is not a successful tactic. They usually return to their home range or become a nuisance somewhere else.
By understanding the bear’s plight and taking our share of the responsibility, we can assure that we will continue to share the Sierra Nevada area with the black bear.
1. PUT YOUR GARBAGE OUT ON THE MORNING OF PICKUP, not the night before (and certainly not all week long!) Spray non-lemon Pine Sol lightly on each bag. If you can’t be there to put your garbage out, ask a neighbor to help or
2. PURCHASE a bear resistant can, tote, or enclosure. A 90g bear resistant tote can be provided by Douglas Disposal for an additional fee.
(Please contact the business office for more information)
3. DO NOT leave trash on your deck or in crawl spaces under the house. Bears can detect odors through closed doors. A flimsy door is almost non-existent to a bear.
4. DO NOT leave pet food out on decks overnight. Take it inside.
5. DO NOT leave a window (screened or not) open with freshly baked goods or other foods on the kitchen counter. Remember if bears can smell it, they will try to get it.
6. DO NOT leave food or ice chests on decks or in vehicles. Bears can smell food, lotions, gum, toothpaste, etc. in your trunk or glove compartment.
7. CLEAN all trash containers with ammonia, bleach, or Pine Sol.
8. CLEAN your BBQ, especially the drip pan. Allow the fire to burn off all food particles.
9. Remember that it is illegal to feed bears.
This flyer is provided as a cooperative effort to raise awareness of the bears now.
Please pass this information along to tenants and houseguests.
Douglas Disposal, Inc.
(775) 782-5713