marker1653 North Lucerne Street, Suite A Minden, Nevada marker775 782 5713 marker[email protected]

Residential Services

Residents can choose from either a 32 gal can (Alpine County)  or a 32 gal or 90 gal tote (in Douglas County; provided by Douglas Disposal). Totes are not available in Alpine County at this time. 

Animal Resistant totes are available.  Please contact the office for information and rates

Largest Containers

Because of safety concerns, DDI does not service any container larger than a 32 gallon can or bag (for extra in Douglas County) in addition to our own totes, which is emptied by hydraulics.

Services and Billing

Residential service is once a week. Residential service is billed quarterly in advance.

Curbside recycling is not available at this time, however, recyclable materials can be taken to free drop off locations throughout the county.

Unacceptable Items

We provide per-can or tote collection of normal household refuse (municipal solid waste) and yard waste, excluding: 

  • Hazardous waste (see Household Hazardous Waste)
  • Auto parts
  • Appliances 
  • Construction materials 
  • Animal carcasses
NOTE: Some of the above items may be picked up at curbside for additional fees contact our office for more information.

Additional information


DDI proudly participates in an active recycling program. All recyclables are processed at our Transfer Station Facility.

Tote & Can Information

Totes should be place in the gutter or within 3 feet of the drivable edge of the road by 5am on the scheduled pick up day.

Service Information

Drivers work all holidays; please have the trash out by 5am. Extra is pre-paid; please contact the office.

Safe Needle Disposal

Used needles can be placed in a bleach or fabric softener bottle marked with a red cross and sealed with the lid. Place the bottle in the tote on the regular pick up day.

Hazardous Waste

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the HHW program has been temporarily suspended. This program will resume when permited.