marker1653 North Lucerne Street, Suite A Minden, Nevada marker775 782 5713 marker[email protected]

Hazardous Waste Information

Services are available to all Douglas County residents by appointment only.
We are located adjacent to the Douglas County Transfer Station on Dump Road off of Pinenut Road.

Hours of operation:

The HHW technicians are available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Thursday thru Saturday excluding public holidays.

To make an appointment; please contact the main office at 775-782-5713.

Hazardous Waste

household hazardous waste program



household hazardous waste program

Residents wishing to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste can call Douglas Disposal at 782-5713 to make an appointment for drop off at no charge.

HHW Technicians are available Thursday throu Saturdays excluding public holiday.  There is a maximum 20 gallon per day limit.

Disposal fees will apply to any materials dropped WITHOUT an appointment.

Do you have household hazardous waste such as:

  • Paints, Stains & Solvents
  • Herbicides, Pesticides & Fertilizers
  • Aerosols Cans
  • Contaminated Oil & Gas
  • Household Chemicals & Cleaners


Please remember to take precautions when handling chemical products to protect yourself and others from harm. 

  • All containers must be sealed and clearly labeled as to content (if material type is known).
  • Leaky  or unidentified  containers cannot be accepted.
  • Staff must keep the container in which the material is delivered.
  • We do not return containers.
  • We do not accept 55-gallon drums 
  • No container over five gallons in size; 20 gallon limit per trip.
  • Safe needle disposal
  • Prescription drug disposal ​


Service is free to residents.

Fees apply for propane cylinders, televisions and computer monitors, Freon cylinders, PCBs and florescent bulbs.


Fees apply to the following to assist in the cost of recycling these items.  Please see scale house attendant prior to proceeding to the drop off location.

  • Televisions & computer monitors 
  • Refrigerators, freezers & air conditioners
  • Compressed gas cylinders such as propane
  • Fluorescent tubes

Sorry, no business or commercial waste accepted. Commercial companies should contact Clean Harbors Environmental Services at 775-331-9400.

Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and healthy environment.